
Den Haag

Internationaal Gerechtshof (Vredespaleis)

Wist u dat Den Haag de:

Internationale Hoofdstad van Vrede, Recht en Veiligheid is?

Na New York de 2e stad van de Verenigde Naties?


In de bijbel lezen we dat JERUZALEM deze stad zal zijn.

In Jesaja 2 vers 3 staat geschreven:

“en vele natiën zullen optrekken en zeggen: Komt, laten wij opgaan naar de berg des HEREN, naar het huis van de God Jakobs, opdat Hij ons lere aangaande zijn wegen en opdat wij zijn paden bewandelen. Want uit Sion zal de wet uitgaan en des HEREN woord uit Jeruzalem.”

De stad Den Haag huisvest 161 ­organisaties (met meer dan 21.000 medewerkers) die zich ­bezighouden met internationale wetgeving. Onder andere:

  • Het Permanente Hof van Recht van Arbitrage
  • Het Internationale Hof van Justitie
  • Het Internationale Gerechtshof voor het voormalige Joegoslavië
  • Het Internationale Gerechtshof


Hieronder volgt een overzicht in het Engels:

The Carnegie Foundation
In 1903 the wealthy philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated 1.5 million US dollars to The Netherlands for the construction of the Peace Palace and establishment of the Carnegie Foundation.


The Hague Academy of International Law
The Hague Academy of International Law was founded on 14 July 1923 in accordance with the ideas from the second Hague Peace Conference of 1907.


The Hague Conference on Private International Law
The Hague Conference on Private International Law (HccH) was formed in answer to the ever-increasing complexities in private law due to the expanded international relations between people, families and businesses.


The International Court of Justice
The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Established in 1946, it has a twofold role. The Court has its seat at the Peace Palace in The Hague.


International Criminal Court
At the first Hague Peace Conference of 1899 a first call for adjudication of war crimes was heard, and the concept of an International Criminal Court (ICC) was born.


International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
The ICTY was established in 1993 by an UN Security Council resolution to address the serious violations of international humanitarian law which have been committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991.


The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal came into existence as one of the measures taken to resolve the crisis in relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America.


NATO C3 Agency
The NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) is a non-profit, 100% customer-funded organisation. The Agency serves the NATO Alliance, its constituent nations and agencies.


Non-Governmental Organisations
Of the more than 40 international NGOs that are based in The Hague more then half of them are active in the area of peace and justice.


Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
After the Chemical Weapons Convention was signed in Paris in 1993, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was established in 1997 to monitor the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.


The Peace Palace Library
In 1913 the Peace Palace Library (PPL) was opened as the world’s first single library on international, comparative and foreign national law.


Permanent Court of Arbitration
Founded in 1899 as a result of the first Hague Peace Conference, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) was the world’s first-ever international dispute settlement mechanism.